Materials by Country :


From 2012 to 2014, RESPOND supported the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS in Burundi to strengthen efforts to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) in two provinces. RESPOND used the Men As Partners® approach to address gender norms that lead to GBV and to inadequacies in the health system’s response to GBV survivors.

Prevention of and Response to Gender-Based Violence in Two Provinces of Burundi (Project Brief No. 23)
Gender-based violence (GBV)—defined as physical, psychological, and/or sexual violence—is pervasive in Burundi. In 2012, RESPOND Project began working with the government to strengthen GBV prevention and response efforts in two provinces—Kayanza and Muyinga. Strategies included initiating complementary interventions to strengthen health facilities’ capacity to provide services to GBV survivors, promoting gender-equitable norms at the community level, and strengthening linkages between communities and the health care system to facilitate access to services. Evaluation results suggest that providers became more knowledgeable about GBV case management, more likely to refer clients for other services, and more likely to have the appropriate supplies and equipment at their disposal. In addition, surveys and interviews suggested a shift toward more gender-equitable norms.
Available in English (PDF, 3.2 MB) and French (PDF, 3.3 MB)

Services for Sexual Violence Survivors in Kayanza and Muyinga Provinces, Burundi
Burundi is emerging from a long period of civil conflict in which sexual violence was used as a weapon of war. The RESPOND Project worked with government ministries in Burundi to improve efforts both to prevent sexual violence and to respond to sexual violence survivors in two provinces—Kayanza and Muyinga. This study reports on research undertaken to identify ways to strengthen the health sector’s response for survivors of sexual violence, promote gender-equitable norms to prevent sexual violence and to support survivors, and increase the capacity of communities and civil society to prevent sexual violence.
Available in English (PDF, 1.0 MB) and French (PDF, 1.0 MB)

Men as Partners in the Fight Against Sexual Violence in Burundi: Facilitator's Guide
RESPOND adapted EngenderHealth’s existing MAP curriculum in December 2012 to create this Men as Partners facilitator’s guide addressing harmful gender norms and attitudes in the Burundian context. The manual is intended for use in four-day MAP workshops and was used in Burundi with miners, tea plantation workers and bicycle- and moto-taxi drivers.
Available in French (PDF, 1 MB)

Involving Community Leaders in the Improvement of Sexual Violence Case Management in Burundi: Facilitator’s Guide
RESPOND adapted EngenderHealth’s existing MAP curriculum in December 2012 to create this facilitator’s guide. The curriculum addresses harmful gender norms and attitudes in the Burundian context. The manual is intended for use in two-day MAP sensitizations and was used in Burundi to sensitize community leaders.
Available in French (PDF, 920 KB)

© 2009-2014 EngenderHealth/The RESPOND Project.
COPE, Men As Partners, and MAP are registered trademarks of EngenderHealth. SEED is a trademark of EngenderHealth.
Photo credits: M. Tuschman/EngenderHealth; A. Fiorente/EngenderHealth; C. Svingen/EngenderHealth.

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The RESPOND Project Digital Archive, Version 2.0